David Novotný • Lenka Krobotová • Václav Neužil • Barbora Poláková / Martha Issová • Pavel Šimčík • Hynek Čermák / Karel František Tománek • Michaela Bendová
stage and costume design Marek Cpin music Marek Doubrava
dramaturgy Karel František Tománek
directed by Jan Mikulášek
PREMIERE 05.03.2014
DERNIERE 11.03.2019
RUNNING TIME 1 hour 35 minutes, without an interval
"Somehow Kafka has always been present in Dejvice. We have thought about him several times but we have never found the right reason to put him on. We found a common language with Jan Mikulášek quite quickly. We chose the last year of Kafka’s life as the main subject. Franz Kafka lost his human nature a long time ago. He became a myth, a subject to philosophical reflections and a symbol of the tourist industry. We have tried to reveal a real human. We didn’t strive to reach an objective correspondence with the surviving facts but to find out what is hidden behind them. We have emphasised this intention also with the cast we have chosen. I do not know what the stage will look like. I have no idea how we will rehearse. I wonder if the text will prove to be good and inspirational enough for the actors. So, what is it about? What did I write about? I am much more interested in what we reveal together during the rehearsals. What we agree on, what we find interesting and what we are going to want to play about. I am looking forward to it."
Karel František Tománek