Jaroslav PleslSimona Babčáková / Vanda Hybnerová • Jana HolcováMartha Issová / Pavla Beretová • Jakub Gottwald • Lucia Kašiarová a hudebníci Jan Burian a Jiří Burian.

set design Antonín Šilar costume design Máša Černíková video mapping Jonáš Strouhal (Macula) music Jan Burian dramaturgy Martina Musilová, Karel František Tománek

directed by Petra Tejnorová

PREMIERE 15.04.2010
DERNIERE 17.01.2015
RUNNING TIME 1 hour 40 minutes

This project, which was created under the direction of Petra Tejnorová, is based on the legend of Bluebeard. Countless variations of the tale exist, written by many world-renowned authors (Perrault, Kokoschka, France, Frisch, more recently Loher etc.).
This take on the tale deals with the inversion of a man’s domination and a woman’s curse. Secrets. The fatal results of female curiosity. A blue beard that both repels and attracts at the same time. The hopes of women. And a man who sways between two fictions: one the one hand, he must feign refinement, sympathy, chivalrousness and, on the other hand, that he feels at the mercy of the myth of the wild male. The woman, changing into an angel, changes the man into a beast. It is not enough that she is merely loved. Even the most hopeful emotions must be tested and controlled so that they do not become an excuse for other, less lovely emotions and desires. Inspired by the films of the so-called Korean genre construct and films that play with narration and time.

“…Directors Petra Tejnorová and Karel František Tománek use the ancient legend of Bluebeard to look at the relationships between men and women. They question the violent nature of men and, using a contemporary tale, try to find an answer to the question of which sex is actually the cruellest towards the other and what society actually demands of men and women.
The production of full of fantastic moments, utilising elements of horror, thrillers and the grotesque. Taking Korean film narrators as its model, the film revels in time riddles, telling the story from the end and so on …
…The young and talented ensemble of Dejvické divadlo guarantees lively and easy access to the piece, which tells of the feelings experienced during the meetings and separations of a man and a woman. This constantly repeating elasticity of feelings and thoughts, in which everything is beautifully drawn, and then immediately wiped out by someone else, is concisely shown in the sets. The story is told via video with light elements, where doorframes, outlines of stairways, aquariums or flowerpots are described and linked by a point of light, which might flash or even go out for good…”
Jan Vnouček, Týden cz (excerpt from review)

“Dejvické divadlo’s new production has exceeded its massive expectations. It’s difficult to describe a whole that is composed of so many individual, functioning elements: an excellent cast, humorous dialogue and a special atmosphere that makes an impression on the audience. And this is only part of what awaits you in Dejvické divadlo…“
Iva Peláková, www.studentpoint.cz (excerpt from review)