Jaroslav Plesl • David Novotný • Hynek Čermák • Martin Myšička / Miroslav Krobot • Pavel Šimčík • Václav Neužil • Jiří Konvalinka • Richard Fiala • Lenka Krobotová
set and costume design Andrej Ďurík music and music direction Marek Doubrava
dramaturgy Karel František Tománek
directed by Miroslav Krobot
PREMIERE 19.05.2012
DERNIERE 2.06.2022
RUNNING TIME 1 hour 25 minutes, without an interval
Miroslav Krobot’s text was inspired by actual events in the life of the Rolling Stones’ legendary member. The spectators meet not only Mick, Keith and Charlie, but also characters from Brian’s trip world: Bunny, Donkey and Bear. Our friends have many unexpected adventures together. And after builder Frank leaves they even make an expedition.